We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Birmingham.
Premises GPhC Number. 1081113
Superintendent Pharmacist: Mr. Chander Kant Prinja (2025456)
We offer the electronic prescription service and can take prescriptions from all GP surgeries that offer this service
This is an opportunity for our pharmacist to discuss and review the medicines you are taking to ensure you are using them correctly and getting the maximum benefit. We will explain clearly and simply, without any medical jargon, what they are for and the conditions they treat and identify any possible side effects that you may be experiencing. We will listen to you and any problems you are having with your medicines, provide advice and support and if necessary contact your Doctor to discuss any issues that arise from our conversation.
An MUR can help:
Our pharmacist may be able to conduct an MUR over the telephone or for eligible patient
We strongly believe in face to face "patient engagement" when dispensing your medications; allowing you, the customer the opportunity to engage directly with the pharmacist or healthcare member.
Our philosophy is patients first and we endeavor to dispense your medications at your convenience.
Our aim is to deliver high quality patient-centered services based on local needs in line with NHS Plans and Policies.
Please, do not hesitate to give us your views and feed back, this is an essential tool for us to improve our services to you and your family.
We can fulfil your prescriptions for Ostomy needs.
Due to the diverse and personal nature of ostomy and catheter products we order the stock specifically for you; thus these prescriptions require 24 to 48 hours to be dispensed.
We will ensure the exact products you require will be ordered with all the ostomy products being supplied discreetly with free disposal/disposable bags/wipes where appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further help or assistance.
We can arrange to have your prescription collected directly from your doctor's surgery on your behalf.
Alternatively, you can nominate our Pharmacy:
This enables your doctor to send your prescription Electronically to us and we will have it dispensed and ready for you to collect from the pharmacy.
This saves you having to make a separate journey to the surgery and prevents you having to wait in the pharmacy for your prescription to be dispensed.
If any of your medication has to be ordered for your prescription we will ensure that everything is ready for you when you arrive for collection
You can nominate us by contacting your surgery or talking to one of our members of staff to provide your details.
We can deliver your medication to your home.
This service is available to customers who are elderly, housebound or who have difficulty in getting to our Pharmacy.
This service is free of charge, please contact us for further details.
We also provide an online prescription dispensing service for your convenience:
Simply register your details with us, send us your prescription and we will arrange delivery to your home, workplace or other address of your choice.
This service is free for all NHS prescriptions and Private Prescriptions over £40.00.
All medicines will be posted to you using Royal Mail First Class Recorded Delivery and packaged securely and discreetly.
We provide a repeat ordering system with your permission.
The service involves us retaining your re-order form, we will take your order and forward your slip to your doctor.
We can notify you when your prescription is ready for collection if you want us to.
Alternatively, if you have nominated our pharmacy and you have the facility to order your prescription directly from your surgery using their App or with any other means then that prescription will come directly to us.
You can order your prescriptions and set up a repeat service online.
We can supply any dressing required on your prescription within 24 hours, with some more commonly prescribed dressings being available immediately.
We also offer a hosiery measuring service to ensure that you receive the correct size of surgical stockings. This will always be carried out in a discreet manner and private setting.
We offer the electronic prescription service and can take prescriptions from all GP surgeries that offer this service
This is an opportunity for our pharmacist to discuss and review the medicines you are taking to ensure you are using them correctly and getting the maximum benefit. We will explain clearly and simply, without any medical jargon, what they are for and the conditions they treat and identify any possible side effects that you may be experiencing. We will listen to you and any problems you are having with your medicines, provide advice and support and if necessary contact your Doctor to discuss any issues that arise from our conversation.
An MUR can help:
Our pharmacist may be able to conduct an MUR over the telephone or for eligible patient
We strongly believe in face to face "patient engagement" when dispensing your medications; allowing you, the customer the opportunity to engage directly with the pharmacist or healthcare member.
Our philosophy is patients first and we endeavor to dispense your medications at your convenience.
Our aim is to deliver high quality patient-centered services based on local needs in line with NHS Plans and Policies.
Please, do not hesitate to give us your views and feed back, this is an essential tool for us to improve our services to you and your family.
We can fulfil your prescriptions for Ostomy needs.
Due to the diverse and personal nature of ostomy and catheter products we order the stock specifically for you; thus these prescriptions require 24 to 48 hours to be dispensed.
We will ensure the exact products you require will be ordered with all the ostomy products being supplied discreetly with free disposal/disposable bags/wipes where appropriate.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further help or assistance.
We can arrange to have your prescription collected directly from your doctor's surgery on your behalf.
Alternatively, you can nominate our Pharmacy:
This enables your doctor to send your prescription Electronically to us and we will have it dispensed and ready for you to collect from the pharmacy.
This saves you having to make a separate journey to the surgery and prevents you having to wait in the pharmacy for your prescription to be dispensed.
If any of your medication has to be ordered for your prescription we will ensure that everything is ready for you when you arrive for collection
You can nominate us by contacting your surgery or talking to one of our members of staff to provide your details.
We can deliver your medication to your home.
This service is available to customers who are elderly, housebound or who have difficulty in getting to our Pharmacy.
This service is free of charge, please contact us for further details.
We also provide an online prescription dispensing service for your convenience:
Simply register your details with us, send us your prescription and we will arrange delivery to your home, workplace or other address of your choice.
This service is free for all NHS prescriptions and Private Prescriptions over £40.00.
All medicines will be posted to you using Royal Mail First Class Recorded Delivery and packaged securely and discreetly.
We provide a repeat ordering system with your permission.
The service involves us retaining your re-order form, we will take your order and forward your slip to your doctor.
We can notify you when your prescription is ready for collection if you want us to.
Alternatively, if you have nominated our pharmacy and you have the facility to order your prescription directly from your surgery using their App or with any other means then that prescription will come directly to us.
You can order your prescriptions and set up a repeat service online.
We can supply any dressing required on your prescription within 24 hours, with some more commonly prescribed dressings being available immediately.
We also offer a hosiery measuring service to ensure that you receive the correct size of surgical stockings. This will always be carried out in a discreet manner and private setting.